Saturday, November 12, 2011

Youghal Town Walls

Youghal is a very old and historic village in Co. Cork Ireland. It was a major port in the 1600's, and today is a lovely village. One of the most interesting areas of the town is the Town Walls, dating from its early history. We go there often to visit family, and it is very enjoyable. It is rural around the town, with farms in several locations with cattle and sheep being raised. Spring and summers are wonderful with the balmy and warmish weather sometimes coming in to the region, but winters can be very icy and rainy, with snow at times. When Spring comes, it will be time for us to return there for a visit.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Christmas is coming!!

Have you ever noticed that in November, stores are arranging their Christmas decorations to tempt the customer?? I noticed some this week. They do look cheery. I am a gardner. And there is one particular plant that I really enjoy raising--Christmas or Holiday Cactus. They really are not members of the cactus family, being succulents. Mine are in full bloom now in October and November. Boy are they lovely colors. An artist would have a great time painting these colors. The above photo is from one of my favorite Christmas Cactus plants. "Christmas is coming. The Christmas cactus are blooming." My Mother always had a few of the plants out in her back patio when we would drive the 160 miles every Christmas to visit her and my Dad. Her cactus always had some blossoms on them with their wonderful neon colors. How beautiful they are. Have you started your Christmas shopping for your loved ones and friends? I started today, and ordered some things. What a good feeling that is! It really stirs the Christmas feelings inside one's mind. Christmas is coming, the Christmas cactus are blooming. Get ready! It will be here soon.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Templemichael-from the past in Ireland

We had gone down a wonderfully beautiful road that day, through a forest toward the church at the end of the road. It was as though we were far away from civilization and the noise that goes with it. We found the area of Templemichael and Molana Abbey, the ruins, and walked down the lovely road through the trees, ferns, and greeen plants. What a fine place! The river was at the end of the road and one could see the monumental Ballynatray Estate across the river, standing out as though the ruler of the land should be living there. Our Grandsons ran down the hill toward the river and we followed them. What a spectacular and peaceful place.


What should we think,

When we see your ancient stones?

Was this the past that we so wantingly

Desire to learn something of?

Are you another chapter of this

Time eon called Life that we all


You are truly a peaceful place in our lives.

When did monks inhabit your holy places

And carry on their dedicated lives?

What did they do, here on the banks of

The Blackwater River?

Our minds run wild as the river

In our wonder of you!

----B.Townsend, one who has been there.

Temple Michael is an ancient site, located on the banks of the River Blackwater, near where it empties into the sea at Youghal. One has a definite sense of history when you visit the beautiful site of the monastery and church. We again visited that wonderfully area of quiet and solitude in April, 2004.