Friday, July 13, 2012

Lunch Out With The Family?? Hmmmm.......................Sweet Tooth!

              Lunch Out With The Family? Huh?? Who Has The Sweet      Tooth, Anyway??

You know what it's like. It always happens this way. At least I think it does. You are talking or emailing a family member and someone says, "Hey let's do a lunch this week." Ok, "Sounds good, I think I can retain my diet conscious mind throughout a lunch out somewhere and eat properly." I must confess though, I am one who always, and I mean always enjoys a delicious and chocolaty dessert. Always have, always will! My Wife is a premier baker of all things, including the most delicious cookies, scones, cakes, brownies, lemon bars, cupcakes and the like. And don't ask my weight!! Some things in this life must be kept secret and that is one. 

Well just the other day I lunched out with 2 family members who ALSO have the reputation in the family as very big dessert eaters!! And I ain't talkin' turkey here, my friend. When I say BIG dessert eaters, I mean just that. How do you think I found out about Sees Candy?? Well we had an enjoyable seafood lunch, very satisfying and now came the big moment. The time to decide: Do we order DESSERT or not. I already knew the answer!! I looked at my two family members when I asked, "Will we do dessert!" I swear their pupils dilated, their eyelashes batted rapidly, they grabbed their forks and spoons and replied, "You betcha Papa!" That ended it all. Over came the waiter and we ordered the above Mud Pie with Oreo cookies spread throughout the ice cream. Note it is smothered in whipped cream and chopped nuts.

I could feel each bite of the Mud Pie swirling around and swimming around with the Seafood in my stomach. Wow, it was tasty, I will admit.

Why do people like dessert? Is it an addiction, or it makes one feel good, or what??!! I will never know, but I do know this. When we go out next week, I shall ask, "Shall we do dessert?" The eyes will roll, the eyelashes will bat, and the spoons and forks will be snatched lightning quick from the table and the waiter will slide over and lo and behold, the dessert order will go in.

Did I hear someone say, "I love dessert!" 8-)))

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Aren't Shoes Funny!!

                                       Aren't Shoes Funny?!

I have always thought Shoes are funny, that's right--by funny I mean a bit strange. When did Men and Women start putting something stylish on their feet? When I watched the film "Jurassic Park" I could easily see why you would want to wear something on your 'boats'(meaning feet!). My wife found that for me on a thesaurus! She is indeed intelligent and very clever, you see. Anyway back to "Jurassic Park"! Would you want those Raptors stomping all over your little "tootsies"?? My wife and her thesaurus also gave me that one!! She is indeed a very clever and well educated person! Well I wouldn't want to do a tap dance to keep the Raptors off my feet! This photo shows my new shoes. I will not tell you how much they cost as they were a gift! Sorta! But coming from way back in the history of time where I used to pick up empty soda bottles along the road of a small town and put them in my wagon to take downtown to the Red and White Grocery for some coins makes me think. A small glass soda bottle was 2 cents and a large one was 5 cents. When I was a kid, the cost of these marvelous covers for my boats probably would have paid my Mom and Dad's rent on that wonderful old house wherein I was raised. 

How is your mind these days? Why would I ask such when we are discussing shoes. I will tell you why!
My Dear and I went to dinner last night in one of our favorites haunts. I had an idea, once in awhile I get such, that I would test my Wife's observation powers. I would wear 2 different shoes and see if she or anyone noticed. Maybe that is like putting on your pants backwards and see if the World notices. Not sure. Well anyway, we had a lovely dinner, no one noticed the shoes, the waitress only noticed my watch. While walking out, I said to her(my Wife), "Look down at my shoes." "Don't be silly and ridiculous." I repeated, "Look down at my shoes." She, "Oh alright!" The scream that came out of her mouth was like out of the movie in the shower scene from "Psycho". Well, my goose is cooked on this one. I will confess, while dressing for dinner(and I really wanted to look good, maybe a cross between a young Robert Redford and a young Marlon Brando), for some reason that only probably the Raptors from Jurassic Park would know, I put on 2 different shoes! Yes, I said 2 different shoes, and no one noticed. We are going out tonight, and I wonder if I can get away with it again????? 8-)))) And maybe the pants on backwards?? It is my theory that people really don't notice others as they are so wrapped up in their lives. Hey, a great idea, I could start a new line of shoes, each pair would have 2 shoes of different design, and have models in Paris, London and New York model them!!!!! Hey, and I would name the new line of shoes; ""Bob's Folly"" !! How is your mind today? Mine is perfectly fine and normal!!!!! 8-))))) I think I will go put on my shoes correctly.