The Christmas Cactus are really blooming now. My Mom used to raise them, and some of her gardening rubbed off on me. I love the neon colors, and in our mild and temperate climate here in S. California, they bloom more than once each year, and now in this balmy Fall, they are doing their beautiful blooming again. What colors! They really are easy to cultivate and garden. All of mine are in pots on the north side of the house--not too much water, a bit of liquid fertilizer maybe once a month and away they go. You can start new plants by breaking off stems and planting in potting soil. Your work will be rewarded by doing this. Below is a bit of writing I have done to share with you about their beauty.
The Christmas cactus does strange things,
Here in the temperate climate
Of the Gold Coast!
Is it supposed to bloom now as Fall ushers in?
No, I don't think so, Christmas is not here.
But it carries the message to all who listen:
Christmas is coming-The Christmas Cactus are blooming.
Prepare your hearts and minds for the celebration.
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