Sunday, October 30, 2011


I have been out in the patio this afternoon working on my geranium plants. I have many growing in pots on terraces in the patio. They are doing well this time of year. The photo which is above is of a geranium called Pretty Polly. One of my daughters gave it to me several years ago. It does not bloom often, but when it does, it is beautiful and graceful. It is indeed one of my favorites. With the kind of warmish weather that we are currently having, plants need to be checked frequently for water needs. I did that today, and almost all of the geraniums needed water. Also our new Lavender plant and new Sage plant needed a drink too. Gardening is fun and really interesting. We have done it for years and will continue to do so. The beautiful hues of the geraniums are outstanding. We cut bouquets and bring the flowers into the dining room table everyday to enjoy them. What colors!! My daughter in Ireland also grows geraniums in pots at her house there in the Irish countryside. They are always very nice and beautiful, their colors ranging out into the environment for all to enjoy.

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