Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thor Olga on a beautiful summer-like S. Cal day in October. The colors are fantastic!

The Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) are blooming prolifically now in early October. Why? I always ask myself. It has to be our temperate climate here on the Gold Coast I suppose, plus I have them all in the SE corner of the patio on and near their terrace with limited sun, small amounts of water and monthly liquid fertilizer. Anyway, that is my analysis. They will bloom again sometime in the next few months again. I have told the story before, but my Mother used to always have a few Christmas Cacti, sitting outside in their patio some 160 miles to the south, when we would visit for Christmas. How beautiful they were! I shall always remember them. Perhaps that is why I started growing them, because Mother did, I think so!! They are not a real cactus, but they are in the succulent family. I love their neon colors! They are wonderful!! The one I am going to upload here today is Thor Olga, one of my first Christmas Cactus plants. The red and white color are really beautiful, and the plant is covered with blossoms. The Hummingbirds really like them, and I imagine it is the colors that attract them. We have a Thor Olga right near our patio door, and often the Hummers will come right up to the window, hover and appear to look in. How neat is that!!! I like it.

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